
with Alex Sharry

Saturday & Sunday, February 27th-28th (12-2:30pm)
Price: $75

5 Hours bankable toward your Katonah Yoga® Certification.

Every yoga pose contains folds, corners, creases, angles, edges, and contact. Similar to folding origami paper, the more intricate the shape the more precise, specific and crisp each fold must be. Making an origami cup that can hold a delicious beverage requires structural precision... do the corners of each end meet? What is the quality of each fold? How pliant is my material? How do I clean a crinkle?

In this training we’ll up the asana ante and tackle some of the more advanced poses that we don’t typically see in all-level classes… binds, dynamic lunges, inversions, lotus and lotus variations. Advanced poses have less to do with effort, muscular strength, age, or body type and more to do with establishing clean geometry, solid structure, and integral fits and folds.

Whether this topic entices or intimidates, the information is accessible to all. In this training we will:

  • Practice.

  • Explore the virtue and value of ‘advanced poses’ and what makes them so.

  • Learn from one another by studying individuals in poses to see where their corners do/don’t meet.

  • Discuss sequencing for more advanced practices.

Join Alex Sharry LIVE on zoom for 5 Hours (over 2 sessions) of theory and practice. You will receive a zoom link via email one hour before the start of each session. Recordings available upon request. Email info@thestudio.yoga after the session to request.