
with Abbie Galvin

Wednesdays April 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th (2-4pm EST)
Price: $100 full program ($30 per session)

All hours bankable toward your Katonah Yoga® Certification.

Poses show things. How you set yourself up, what your habits are, what you think... because you are pulling everything out of yourself to do them. Physical yoga can be seen as a manifestation of our unconscious. Technique is conscious. How flexible you are or how stiffly you move, is what you come with. How you inform your first nature (stiff or bendy) with your second nature, folding, fitting, measuring, determines how readily you'll find your third nature, effortless effort.

All technique, whether its yoga or piano playing, starts out in a linear way, with rules, tenets of theory, exploration of measure, playing scales. Through time and practice that initial linearity becomes dimensional, spherical, lovely: graduating from playing scales to performing beautiful music. In order to get there, we will meet ourselves in our pain, our old injuries and our impediments, examining how our structure impinges on our organs and how we can't get into a pose for a myriad of unknown reasons.

Pain is like an alarm going off which has to be interpreted. Something is amiss, disorganized, misdirected. Much like a puzzle piece that finally pops out of a jigsaw puzzle because it doesn’t fit, the way to secure it is to reframe the puzzle rather than shoving the piece back in. The immersion in and repetition of skills and techniques which develop our repertoire of therapeutic tools is what promotes a more sophisticated practice. Addressing physical complaints, foibles, frustrations and injuries - both real and imagined - enables us to feel safe.

Join us for a posture clinic series where we will explore our practice through how to identify and reconcile injuries, foibles, new and old aches and pains. We will ask the questions does my origami cup hold water? Am I stable? Do I feel competent? How do I set up my vision? How can I feel and be sustainable for longevity?

Join Abbie Galvin LIVE on zoom for a series of 4 sessions. Sign up for the full program of 4 sessions or drop in session by session. You will receive a zoom link via email one hour before the start of each session. Recordings available upon request. Email info@thestudio.yoga after the session to request.