with Mary Dana Abbott

Saturday & Sunday, November 21-22nd (12-2:30pm)
Price: $75

5 Hours bankable toward your Katonah Yoga® Certification.

A real game in yoga (and in life) is to learn how to make effortless efforts. The trick of this game is figuring out just the right amount of effort to put into our work, because with too little we become idle and with too much, we can experience burn-out. When we use props in our yoga practice, we are supported by scaffolding, allowing our efforts to be attuned towards the real interior work: organizing the space of the body well, so that time is on our side and we get to our destination without breaking down. Do not mistake this as physically limiting or particularly restful. When you’re doing real restoration work, it’s transformative, you’ll need support and tools to shift your perspective and change your frame of reference. 

There are few tools that are as versatile and useful as a chair. It is an objective partner that can be utilized in many ways to lift and support us, while giving us different angles to play with, receive and perceive information from.  When we see things from different perspectives and angles, we begin to realize that our ways of habitually doing and thinking are one small piece of our bigger picture. 

In this training we will look at the different ways we can use chairs: in a home and/or restorative practice, as well as in a group setting. We will explore its application in warrior poses, inversions, restorative, pranayama and more. Come explore this magical tool of perspective and support and learn new recipes to re-imagine and re-invigorate your practice. 

Join Mary Dana Abbott LIVE on zoom for 5 Hours (over 2 sessions) of theory and practice. You will receive a zoom link via email one hour before the start of each session. Recordings available upon request if you can’t make a session.