
with Abbie Galvin

Saturday & Sunday, May 1st-2nd & June 5th-6th (12-2:30pm EST)
Price: $150

10 Hours bankable toward your Katonah Yoga® Certification.

Learning to read a body via asana work is one of the goals of teaching yoga. Poses are snap shots that show things in the moment. Does the pose fit itself? Does it have stability in the base, capacity in the torso, and a full view. Is it organized on a plumb line, does it have a center and a circumference? Does it conform to a grid. Reading a body, assessing a pose, interpreting where one is heading, is the art of seeing. Seeing patterns such as the repetition of arches in the body on every floor, or how a collar bone is turned will be reflected in the wrist. Poses show propensities of behavior and how personal habits are articulated in the practice.

When we are looking at a yoga pose, we reference the ideal form of it so that we have a template, a map, a criteria to look for; shoulders and hips that make four corners (a frame), legs that substantiate it, and a head with two eyes that see in every direction. Form that is not functional, that is dysfunctional, is not sustainable. Our work is to transform the personal to a formal form that functions formidably.

In this training we will explore:

  • How the body is a map with 3 floors, 9 rooms and 10 doors

  • How to read the body through the template of the magic square

  • How to read the body through the feet

  • How the personal reveals itself on every floor when you put someone on a grid

  • How to use your vision to become a good diagnostician

Join Abbie Galvin LIVE on zoom for 10 Hours (over 4 sessions) of theory and practice. You will receive a zoom link via email one hour before the start of each session. Recordings available upon request. Email info@thestudio.yoga after the session to request.