Thursdays in April, May, June (2-4pm EST)
Price: $400 full program ($35 per session)

All hours bankable toward your Katonah Yoga® Certification.

Face reading is an ancient art in accordance with Taoist principles. Following universal laws of nature, one's face is a blueprint of their narrative. Just as we read feet and hands as indications of someone's nature, one’s face is another map of a self, a life and its potentials.

The original face readers were Taoist monks and scholars who perceived early on that one's physical and mental health were inseparable. They surmised that the same information read on the face to investigate the condition of the body could also reveal the qualities of the internal life, one’s strengths, challenges and the specific state of one’s organs.

Join us for an in depth exploration of our faces using aspects of the Katonah material and the five element theory of Taoism. Diving deeper into this fascinating material than ever before we will start by exploring facial maps, move on to understand how each element is revealed through the features of the face and end with an energetic understanding of how the Shen (spirit) reveals itself through our faces.



THE FIVE ELEMENTS (Thursday April 6th)
Ty Watson

The five elements - water, wood, fire, earth and metal - are one of the fundamental maps with which to look at a face and glean some implicit understanding of someone’s nature. In this session we will go over the systems of the 5 elements, each of their inherent characteristics and their relationship to one another.

THE FACIAL MAP (Thursday April 13th)
Abbie Galvin

The face is a fractal of our body, which tell our narrative story. Just like a foot or a hand, the face is a map of our personal territory. And like the body, Great Nature graces us with two ears, a forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, chin, jaw, etc. How we live, the choices we make, the relationships we have and how we have them determine how each feature grows. Some of is this is determined by our ancestry, our first nature, while most of it is determined by our solar nature, what we make of ourselves.

THE FACE IN TIME (Thursday April 20th)
Alex Scerri

Here we will explore the lines, wrinkles, moles and markings on the face. Aging is largely an overuse injury. When we repeatedly feel joy and smile as a result, this will begin to imprint upon our face, the same way a weight lifter who curls a dumbbell will develop a muscle. By understanding the meaning behind specific wrinkles and markings, we can begin to take notice of facets of our own character in which we favor and perhaps other areas, that could use a little more investigation. Exploring the exterior of the face, provides a window into the interior of the soul.

Abbie Galvin

A "reading" of a face is the art of putting together a matrix of information of time seen on the face and its features and what they signify. In this session we will use the material from the previous sessions, using facial maps of time and space to find meaning, timing, personal nature, and in some cases, ones potential future.


WATER + WOOD FEATURES (Thursday May 4th)
Abbie Galvin

Our Jing expresses our physical constitution, while our Qi will refer to the energetics of each element and each feature on the face. The features of water and wood will be the ones explored this session. Reading our water features give us a sense of our reservoir of inner strength, while the features of the wood element express our drive and confidence.

FIRE + EARTH FEATURES (Thursday May 11th)
Alex Scerri

Each element has a dominant feature and supporting features that enhance or diminish the strength of that element. In this session we will play with Earth & Fire. In doing so we will look at the shape, size & set of our eyes (our Fire); as well as, everything the mouth (our Earth) communicates & implies, with out ever speaking a word.

METAL FEATURES (Thursday May 18th)
Ty Watson

In this session we will cover, in depth, the element of Metal and its associated features. How a nose might give us a clue into someone’s curiosity or how the face implies the potency of one’s immunity, how to read each feature, determine its relationship to the other features and elements on the face, and decipher someone’s metal as a fractal of the whole thing.

Ty Watson

In this practical session we will review and explore the Qi of each element and its set of features, in order to practice identifying what we have learnt on actual faces.


THE FIVE SPIRITS (Thursday June 1st)
Ty Watson

Shen, our spirit, our connection to the cosmos, the implicit, find its residence in the organ of the heart, but also resides and carries a distinct energy within each of the 5 organs. In this session we will explore the Five Spirits: Shen, Hun, Yi, Po and Zhi, whom lend poetic rapture to the roles and archetypes of the organ network, helping us to navigate our paths with ever more precision.

Alex Scerri

‘Peach Luck’ can be distilled down to meaning ‘charisma’ or ‘charm.’ Each element has a specific type of Peach Luck, whether it be Seductive, Direct, Sparkling, Supportive or Dreamy. Indeed, it is lucky to be born with inherent charisma, however, cultivating these individual traits is possible and incredibly empowering. This is a fun way to look at the elements and how they animate our personalities, for better… or for worse.

THE ENERGETICS OF SHEN (Thursday June 15th)
Abbie Galvin

Shen is the most implicit information seen on the face. Shen can be seen moment to moment as what "lights" us up. Shen to Shen interactions can be thought of as what transpires between us as we smile at one another or as we compliment another person. In this session we explore our Shen shines through and can be gleaned through our distinct facial features.

Alex Scerri

In this practical session we will explore how the Shen (spirit) reveals itself on the face through face reading practice, using everything we have learned thus far, from Jing to Qi to Shen. We will look at individual faces, play, explore and assess how much we have learned, while growing our insight on a case by case (or face by face) basis.

Abbie Galvin

In this final session we will synthesize our insights from the previous sessions in order to use the interplay of elements, time and features to understand how they all come together to elicit our narrative.

Join us LIVE ON ZOOM for a series of 13 sessions. Sign up for the whole program or drop in session by session. Attendees will receive a zoom link via email one hour before the start of each session. Recordings will be sent out to all participants following each session.

Please book confidently, no refunds granted.