with Abbie Galvin

Saturday & Sunday, November 5th - 6th (2-7pm EST)
Price: $250 in person / $150 on zoom

10 Hours bankable toward your Katonah Yoga® Certification.

There are certain criteria that all good adjustments share. Beyond a demonstration of good mechanics, this intensive will serve as an experience of how to use information magically; touching someone in a real way, moving someone so they can get out of their own way, affecting someone so they have an insight.

Developing your own vision is the key to learning how to adjust well. The goal of an adjustment is to change someone’s frame of reference. For the most part, since personal style summons one’s unconscious habits, adjusting another practitioner's pose offers a different angle, a new direction, or a re-orientation in order to open a portal of experience impossible on one's own.

We will work pragmatically as well as theoretically, moving through asanas in order to discover how best to approach an adjustment, move a body, affect someone's practice and change a mind. Come fine tune your capacity as an adjuster, develop your relationship to touch and enhance your ability to see more dimensionally in order to enrich another person's vision.

IN PERSON attendees must be fully vaccinated in order to participate.

ZOOM attendees will receive a zoom link via email one hour before the start of each session. Recordings will be sent out to all participants following each session.

Please book confidently, no refunds granted.